Diversity as a Growth Engine

When thinking about diversity, most leaders think about a working environment that includes employees of different racial backgrounds, genders, physical abilities and disabilities, and sexual orientations. But a diversified workforce also consists of several different categories, such as different cultures, languages, and educational backgrounds. 

So, what are the benefits of building a diverse workforce for your company?

1. Hiring new and creative talents:

Diversity gives you access to a greater range of talents, and it paves the path for a more positive and creative work environment. When you put various individuals together in the same room, you will get different perspectives and opinions that can benefit your business. This will allow your business to grow in several ways. It also allows your company to access a more extensive base of talents regionally and/or globally if most of your workforce can work remotely. 

2. Targeting new clients:

The new generation prefers to buy from companies that embrace diversity, so you need a team to provide the creativity, passion, and entrepreneurial spirit that your company needs to innovate. A diverse group will help your company communicate with all audiences and find new ways to serve their needs! In other words, a real diverse team can help your company to grow faster by reaching new clients and consumers as it better understands their expectations and cultural differences. 

3. Better financial results:

Suppose a diverse team allows your company to understand different customers’ needs better and hire new and creative talents. In that case, it is evident that it will also improve your bottom line. Many reports published in the past few years (i.e., Diversity Matters report by McKinsey) confirmed that organizations in the top quartile concerning diversity (ethnic and racial) have nearly 35% more chances of getting returns that are well above their national industry medians. The more diverse the organization, the better its probability of performing financially.


If your company needs help to design and implement a strategy for a more diverse and inclusive workforce, contact us today at info@lucioles.io or follow us on LinkedIn.


About Lucioles

Lucioles is a leader using best practices and the latest innovative technology for Executive & Professional Search, Recruitment, and Corporate Training. We help bring the right talent to your organization and work with you to strengthen your team’s development. We tailor-made training, and we deploy with the highest quality to solve your needs in people and organization development. We help bring the right talent to your organization and work with you to strengthen your team’s development. We tailor-made training, and we deploy with the highest quality to solve your needs in people and organization development.